
1. 确定自变量与Y是否相关 证明:自变量X1,X2,….XP中至少存在一个自变量与因变量Y相关 For any given value of n(观测数据的数目) and p(自变量X的数目), any statistical software package can be used to compute the p-value associated with the F-statistic using this distribution. Based on this p-value, we can determine whether or not to reject H0. (用软件计算出的与F-statistic 相关的p-value来验证假设,the p-value associated with the F-statistic) 例子: Is there a relationship between […]


linux Centos (6.6)服务器之间文件共享挂载





安装基础所需套件[每台] 1.nfs [html] view plain copy

print? yum install nfs-utils 2.设置服务自启动 [plain] view plain copy

print? chkconfig rpcbind on chkconfig nfs on 3.启动服务 [plain] view plain copy

print? service rpcbind start service nfs start


[root@localhost database]# yum install portmap 已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mirror speeds […]

Local Blast2go database installation 2016

Note 1: Use the “silent mode” (-s) to produce less output and to speed up the import. (On a Windows system use also (-b) to suppress the beep when errors occur.) Note 2: You can alternatively also first open a mysql shell and than use the command “source” to import the data.


Import […]

How to create a Fasta file database for local Blast and to import XML results successfully into Blast2GO

(This is now obsolete. The use of the Blast2GO Command Line is recommended for this task.)

This page describes how to create a local installation of the B2G MySQL database and is intended for users with knowledge in MySQL databases and general server administration tasks. If you are not able to follow the steps given […]