conda 报错 Solving environment: failed

现在说说我的解决思路: 1.根据错误内容,安装失败的原因应该是这个网址 请求失败。 2.所以我尝试用

wget 1 手动下载这个包,结果出现以下错误。

-2018-12-12 18:29:18– Connecting to… failed: Connection refused.

1 2 3 那么应该寻找失败的原因,表示的是本机,应该不会有什么问题,那么会不会是因为端口33473被占用的原因。 3.用netstat -ntpl查看本地端口的使用情况

netstat -ntpl (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto […]

DBS model training

phenotype gproNOG.annotations bitscores

This is the complete workflow used to generate a random forest model using output data from an hmmsearch of your protein coding genes against eggNOG gamma proteobacterial protein HMMs. Before running this notebook, run the script to get a tab-delimited file containing bitscores for all isolates.

“`{r, read in data} # […]