Tutorials and Course
The tutorials serve as a walkthrough through Circos. The course is a more structured set of materials that takes you through creating an image from scratch.
The tutorials act as documentation — each lesson presents a specific feature of Circos.
Example Image
Once you download and install Circos,
# install circos > tar xvfz circos-x.xx.tgz > cd circos-x.xx If you get an error like -bash: /bin/env: No such file or directory then your 'env' binary is likely in /usr/bin (e.g. on Mac OS X) Check this by > which env /usr/bin/env To fix this, either change the first line in scripts in bin/* and tools/*/bin to #!/usr/bin/env perl or make a symlink from /usr/bin/env to /bin/env > sudo su > cd /bin > ln -s /usr/bin/env env
file | version | size | date | comment |
current | ||||
circos-tools-0.16-1.tgz | 0.16 | 13,721,840 | Wed Aug 1 17:38:27 2012 | circos-tools-0.16-1.tgz is a bug release. |
circos-0.62-1.tgz | 0.62 | 23,776,624 | Tue Jul 3 12:59:00 2012 | circos-0.62-1.tgz is a bug release. |
circos-0.62.tgz | 0.62 | 21,905,722 | Mon Jun 25 15:30:13 2012 | |
circos-tutorials-0.62.tgz | 0.62 | 125,634,176 | Mon Jun 25 14:49:15 2012 | |
circos-course-0.61.tgz | 0.61 | 325,718,042 | Tue Jun 5 15:15:03 2012 | |
circos-tools-0.16.tgz | 0.16 | 11,046,936 | Mon Jul 25 14:29:13 2011 |
Config::General (v2.50 or later) GD GD::Polyline List::MoreUtils Math::Bezier Math::Round Math::VecStat Params::Validate Readonly Regexp::Common Set::IntSpan (v1.16 or later) Text::Format Font::TTF::Font 利用CPAN自行安装以上模块
perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Math::Bezier
cpan> install Regexp::Common
try creating the example image that ships with the Circos core distribution.
> cd example # on UNIX systems (see README for Windows use) > ./run
Creating a Tutorial Image
You will need to download the tutorials separately. Follow the installation instructions in the archive file.
> cd tutorials/2/2 # now try tutorial 2.2 > ../../../bin/circos -conf ./circos.conf 俺的安装路径如下: shenzy@shenzy-ubuntu:/winxp_disk2/shenzy/circos/circos-tutorials-0.62/tutorials/2/2$ ../../../../circos-0.62-1/bin/circos -conf ./circos.conf debuggroup conf 0.13s welcome to circos v0.62-1 25 Jun 2012 debuggroup conf 0.13s loading configuration from file ./circos.conf debuggroup conf 0.13s looking for conf file ./circos.conf debuggroup conf 0.13s found conf file ./circos.conf debuggroup summary 0.32s debug will appear for these features: summary debuggroup summary 0.32s parsing karyotype and organizing ideograms debuggroup summary 0.49s applying global and local scaling debuggroup summary 0.50s allocating image, colors and brushes debuggroup summary 5.91s drawing highlights and ideograms debuggroup summary,output 8.10s generating output debuggroup summary,output 8.77s created PNG image ./circos.png (605 kb) debuggroup summary,output 8.77s created SVG image ./circos.svg (371 kb) Circos INSTALL SUCCESS!
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